Limited Edition Omega Moisturisers

Why are Omegas important for the skin? Our modern diets are deficient in omega oils. These oils are not as stable as saturated oils and they are often removed from…

An organic yet powerful approach to managing acne

We have already discussed how our approach addresses the microbial imbalance created by our industrial lifestyles, so let’s take a closer look at the ingredients used in the Esse Clarifying Range and how…

Esse and the revolutionary ‘skinimalism’ trend

The experience of lockdown provided many with a time of self-reflection, and one realisation that emerged during this time was that, when it comes to skincare routines, less is actually…


Skincare myths debunked

Since the beginning of time, society has formed beliefs about their experiences and the world around them. A notorious belief and misconception that comes to mind is that the earth…